Create an Environmentally Sustainable Home with Expert Advice and Green Products from Design Depot

In recent years, the importance of living sustainably and prioritizing environmentally friendly practices has become increasingly evident. As a result, eco-friendly home design has emerged as a popular approach for homeowners seeking to minimize their environmental impact without sacrificing style or functionality. Design Depot, a family-owned and operated business located in Englewood, New Jersey, is committed to helping you achieve your sustainable home design goals by offering a variety of green products and expert advice to guide you through the process.

At Design Depot’s expansive showroom, our team of experienced professionals presents a carefully curated selection of eco-friendly products, including energy-efficient appliances, sustainably sourced materials, and environmentally responsible fixtures. Whether you are embarking on a complete home renovation or just looking to make a few eco-conscious updates, our design experts are prepared to help you identify the most sustainable and suitable products for your unique home and vision.

In this blog post, we will explore various strategies for incorporating eco-friendly design elements throughout your home, as well as highlight specific environmentally friendly products available at Design Depot. Together, we can create a sustainable living space that is not only beautiful but also contributes to a healthier planet.

Eco-Friendly Materials for Your Home: Sustainable Sourcing and Durability

Selecting eco-friendly materials for your home is a significant step towards reducing your environmental impact and creating a sustainable living space:

  1. Sustainably Sourced Wood: Opt for sustainably sourced wood products, such as FSC-certified lumber or reclaimed wood, for your cabinetry, flooring, and furniture. These environmentally responsible options minimize deforestation while preserving our planet’s natural resources.
  2. Recycled and Upcycled Materials: Choose recycled and upcycled materials like glass countertops, recycled metal fixtures, or repurposed furniture to reduce waste and decrease your home’s carbon footprint.
  3. Low-VOC Paints and Finishes: Select low-VOC (volatile organic compound) paints and finishes to reduce indoor air pollution and promote a healthier living environment for you and your family.
  4. Natural and Durable Surfaces: Invest in long-lasting, natural surfaces such as marble, granite, or quartz for your countertops, flooring, or other applications. These durable materials not only reduce the need for replacements but also contribute to a timeless design aesthetic.

Energy-Efficient Appliances and Home Systems

Incorporating energy-efficient appliances and systems into your home design offers both environmental and cost-saving benefits:

  1. Energy Star Certified Appliances: Choose Energy Star-certified appliances for your kitchen and laundry to minimize energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and lower your utility bills.
  2. Eco-Friendly Heating and Cooling: Invest in energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, such as geothermal heat pumps, solar water heaters, and programmable thermostats, to enhance your home’s comfort while decreasing energy use and emissions.
  3. LED Lighting: Replace traditional incandescent light bulbs with energy-saving LED bulbs, which not only consume less energy but also last longer, reducing the need for replacements and decreasing waste.
  4. Smart Home Automation: Utilize smart home automation systems to monitor and manage your home’s energy consumption, adjusting temperatures, lighting, and appliances to optimize efficiency and reduce your environmental impact.

Conserving Water with Eco-Friendly Fixtures and Strategies

Implement water-saving fixtures and strategies in your home to conserve this precious resource and minimize water waste:

  1. Low-Flow Faucets, Showerheads, and Toilets: Install low-flow faucets, showerheads, and dual-flush toilets to reduce your home’s water consumption without sacrificing performance or comfort.
  2. Greywater Recycling Systems: Consider implementing greywater recycling systems to utilize gently used water from sinks, showers, and laundry machines for non-potable applications such as irrigation or toilet flushing.
  3. Drought-Tolerant Landscaping: Opt for drought-tolerant plants and eco-friendly landscaping techniques, such as xeriscaping or native plantings, to minimize your outdoor water usage while maintaining an attractive and sustainable yard.

Eco-Friendly Design Strategies

Embrace sustainable design strategies that not only benefit the environment but also elevate the style and comfort of your home:

  1. Maximize Natural Light: Utilize large windows, skylights, and strategically placed mirrors to enhance natural light within your home, reducing the need for artificial lighting and lowering energy consumption.
  2. Incorporate Indoor Plants: Integrate indoor plants into your home design to improve indoor air quality, boost mood and productivity, and connect with nature.
  3. Choose Multifunctional and Flexible Furniture: Select furniture pieces that serve multiple purposes or can be easily reconfigured to adapt to your changing needs, minimizing waste and ensuring a stylish, clutter-free space.


Embracing eco-friendly home design with the help of Design Depot can lead to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible living space that benefits both your family and our planet. By incorporating sustainable materials, energy-efficient appliances, water-saving fixtures, and eco-friendly design strategies, you can create a stylish and functional home that aligns with your values and contributes to the health of our planet.

Visit the Design Depot showroom in Englewood, New Jersey, to discover our extensive range of sustainable products and design solutions specifically tailored for environmentally responsible homeowners. Our experienced design professionals are eager to guide you on your journey towards greener, more sustainable home remodeling in Edgewater, NJ, ensuring you make informed choices that positively impact our environment for generations to come.