Category "Home Improvement"

Create an Environmentally Sustainable Home with Expert Advice and Green Products from Design Depot

December 3, 2023

In recent years, the importance of living sustainably and prioritizing environmentally friendly practices has become increasingly evident. As a result, eco-friendly home design has emerged as a popular approach for homeowners seeking to minimize their environmental impact without sacrificing style or functionality. Design Depot, a family-owned and operated business located in Englewood, New Jersey, is committed to helping you achieve your sustainable home design goals by offering a variety of green products and expert advice to guide you through the process.

At Design Depot’s expansive showroom, our team of experienced professionals presents a carefully curated selection of eco-friendly products, including energy-efficient appliances, sustainably sourced materials, and environmentally responsible fixtures. Whether you are embarking on a complete home renovation or just looking to make a few eco-conscious updates, our design experts are prepared to help you identify the most sustainable and suitable products for your unique home and vision.

In this blog post, we will explore various strategies for incorporating eco-friendly design elements throughout your home, as well as highlight specific environmentally friendly products available at Design Depot. Together, we can create a sustainable living space that is not only beautiful but also contributes to a healthier planet.

Eco-Friendly Materials for Your Home: Sustainable Sourcing and Durability

Selecting eco-friendly materials for your home is a significant step towards reducing your environmental impact and creating a sustainable living space:

  1. Sustainably Sourced Wood: Opt for sustainably sourced wood products, such as FSC-certified lumber or reclaimed wood, for your cabinetry, flooring, and furniture. These environmentally responsible options minimize deforestation while preserving our planet’s natural resources.
  2. Recycled and Upcycled Materials: Choose recycled and upcycled materials like glass countertops, recycled metal fixtures, or repurposed furniture to reduce waste and decrease your home’s carbon footprint.
  3. Low-VOC Paints and Finishes: Select low-VOC (volatile organic compound) paints and finishes to reduce indoor air pollution and promote a healthier living environment for you and your family.
  4. Natural and Durable Surfaces: Invest in long-lasting, natural surfaces such as marble, granite, or quartz for your countertops, flooring, or other applications. These durable materials not only reduce the need for replacements but also contribute to a timeless design aesthetic.

Energy-Efficient Appliances and Home Systems

Incorporating energy-efficient appliances and systems into your home design offers both environmental and cost-saving benefits:

  1. Energy Star Certified Appliances: Choose Energy Star-certified appliances for your kitchen and laundry to minimize energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and lower your utility bills.
  2. Eco-Friendly Heating and Cooling: Invest in energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, such as geothermal heat pumps, solar water heaters, and programmable thermostats, to enhance your home’s comfort while decreasing energy use and emissions.
  3. LED Lighting: Replace traditional incandescent light bulbs with energy-saving LED bulbs, which not only consume less energy but also last longer, reducing the need for replacements and decreasing waste.
  4. Smart Home Automation: Utilize smart home automation systems to monitor and manage your home’s energy consumption, adjusting temperatures, lighting, and appliances to optimize efficiency and reduce your environmental impact.

Conserving Water with Eco-Friendly Fixtures and Strategies

Implement water-saving fixtures and strategies in your home to conserve this precious resource and minimize water waste:

  1. Low-Flow Faucets, Showerheads, and Toilets: Install low-flow faucets, showerheads, and dual-flush toilets to reduce your home’s water consumption without sacrificing performance or comfort.
  2. Greywater Recycling Systems: Consider implementing greywater recycling systems to utilize gently used water from sinks, showers, and laundry machines for non-potable applications such as irrigation or toilet flushing.
  3. Drought-Tolerant Landscaping: Opt for drought-tolerant plants and eco-friendly landscaping techniques, such as xeriscaping or native plantings, to minimize your outdoor water usage while maintaining an attractive and sustainable yard.

Eco-Friendly Design Strategies

Embrace sustainable design strategies that not only benefit the environment but also elevate the style and comfort of your home:

  1. Maximize Natural Light: Utilize large windows, skylights, and strategically placed mirrors to enhance natural light within your home, reducing the need for artificial lighting and lowering energy consumption.
  2. Incorporate Indoor Plants: Integrate indoor plants into your home design to improve indoor air quality, boost mood and productivity, and connect with nature.
  3. Choose Multifunctional and Flexible Furniture: Select furniture pieces that serve multiple purposes or can be easily reconfigured to adapt to your changing needs, minimizing waste and ensuring a stylish, clutter-free space.


Embracing eco-friendly home design with the help of Design Depot can lead to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible living space that benefits both your family and our planet. By incorporating sustainable materials, energy-efficient appliances, water-saving fixtures, and eco-friendly design strategies, you can create a stylish and functional home that aligns with your values and contributes to the health of our planet.

Visit the Design Depot showroom in Englewood, New Jersey, to discover our extensive range of sustainable products and design solutions specifically tailored for environmentally responsible homeowners. Our experienced design professionals are eager to guide you on your journey towards greener, more sustainable home remodeling in Edgewater, NJ, ensuring you make informed choices that positively impact our environment for generations to come.

Enhance Your Outdoor Spaces: Expert Tile Selection Tips

October 8, 2023

Creating a comfortable, functional, and visually appealing outdoor living space is an integral component of modern home design. Outdoor spaces not only provide an extension of the home for relaxation and entertaining but also serve as a crucial element that connects our indoor environments with nature and the surrounding landscapes. With Design Depot’s extensive selection of stylish and durable exterior tiles, along with our expert design guidance, transforming your outdoor living space into a beautiful and inviting oasis has never been easier.

Located in Englewood, New Jersey, Design Depot offers a wide range of high-quality exterior tiles designed specifically for outdoor applications, including porcelain, natural stone, wood-look, and slip-resistant tiles, catering to various design preferences and practical considerations relevant to outdoor environments. Our experienced team of design professionals is dedicated to assisting you in selecting the ideal exterior tiles for your outdoor living space, enhancing the aesthetic appeal, functionality, and durability of your outdoor areas.

In this blog post, we will explore essential factors and considerations for choosing the perfect exterior tile for your outdoor space, including suitable materials, trending styles, and installation best practices. With Design Depot’s expert advice and extensive range of premium tile products, you can confidently create a stunning and highly functional outdoor living area that enhances the overall enjoyment and value of your home.

Visit Design Depot’s Englewood, New Jersey showroom to explore our diverse array of exterior tile options and experience personalized consultation with our team of design professionals, ensuring a tailored and successful approach to revitalizing your outdoor living spaces.

Choosing the Ideal Exterior Tile Material for Durability and Aesthetics

Selecting an exterior tile material that offers optimal durability and visual appeal is crucial for creating functional and attractive outdoor living spaces. Consider these popular outdoor tile options to make an informed and stylish decision:

  1. Porcelain Tiles: Porcelain tiles are renowned for their high durability, low porosity, and resistance to moisture and temperature changes, making them an excellent choice for outdoor applications. Available in various styles and finishes, including wood-look and natural stone, porcelain tiles can cater to diverse design preferences.
  2. Natural Stone Tiles: Natural stone tiles, such as slate, travertine, limestone, and granite, provide a unique and timeless look for outdoor spaces while delivering durability, slip resistance, and the ability to withstand weather and wear. Natural stone tiles offer an organic and luxurious appearance while enhancing the overall aesthetic of your outdoor area.
  3. Quarry Tiles: Quarry tiles, primarily made from clay and shale, are an attractive and durable option for outdoor areas. Known for their natural slip resistance, low water absorption, and resilience against fading, quarry tiles are ideal for patios, walkways, and pool decks.
  4. Wood-Look Tiles: Wood-look porcelain tiles are an innovative alternative to traditional wood decking, providing the warmth and appearance of natural wood without its susceptibility to weathering and maintenance demands. These tiles offer a highly realistic and weather-resistant option for outdoor spaces, such as patios and decks.

Trending Tile Styles and Designs for Outdoor Living Spaces

Keep up with current outdoor living space design trends while elevating your outdoor areas with these stylish tile styles and designs:

  1. Bringing Indoor Style Outdoors: Create a seamless connection between your indoor and outdoor living spaces by selecting tiles that visually echo the materials and style of your interior flooring. This design approach enhances the overall harmony and cohesion of your home’s design.
  2. Outdoor Patterns and Accents: Incorporate eye-catching patterns or accent tiles into your outdoor design for a touch of individuality and visual interest. Geometric shapes, striking designs, or contrasting colors can create focal points or help define spaces in an expansive outdoor area.
  3. Transitioning Tile Sizes and Patterns: Break up large outdoor areas by utilizing various tile sizes and patterns. For instance, use large-format tiles for the main patio area and transition into smaller tiles or a different orientation for walkways and peripheral spaces.

Practical Considerations for Exterior Tile Selection and Installation

Functionality, safety, and maintenance requirements are critical factors to consider when selecting exterior tiles and planning your outdoor living space. Keep these practical considerations in mind when choosing the ideal tile for your space:

  1. Slip Resistance: Particularly around pool areas or in regions with frequent rainfall, selecting slip-resistant tiles is crucial to maintaining a safe outdoor environment. Opt for textured tiles or those specifically designed to offer enhanced traction, such as porcelain tiles with R11 or R12 slip-resistant ratings.
  2. Ease of Maintenance: Choose tiles that require minimal maintenance in response to the elements, such as porcelain or natural stone options treated with sealants. Low-maintenance tiles will keep your outdoor living spaces looking pristine and inviting with minimal effort.
  3. Proper Installation Techniques: Following best practices for outdoor tile installation is essential for both the appearance and longevity of your project. Consider factors such as substrate preparation, expansion joints, appropriate tile adhesive, and adequate drainage to ensure a successful and long-lasting installation.

Incorporating Accessories and Finishing Touches into Your Outdoor Tile Design

Give your outdoor living space a polished and cohesive look by incorporating thoughtful accessories and finishing touches that complement your chosen tile design:

  1. Incorporate Outdoor Lighting: Utilize outdoor lighting strategically to illuminate walkways, accentuate landscaping, and create an inviting ambiance for your outdoor living space. Consider options such as step lights, wall-mounted fixtures, or LED strip lights that can be integrated into your tile design.
  2. Outdoor Furniture and Décor: Select outdoor furniture and décor that accentuates and harmonizes with your tile selection. Consider coordinating colors or materials to create a seamless and stylish outdoor living environment.
  3. Landscaping Integration: Blend your tile design with the surrounding natural elements by incorporating adjacent landscaping elements. Consider coordinating hardscaping materials or planting patterns that visually tie together your outdoor tile design with the surrounding environment.


Creating a functional and stylish outdoor living space is an attainable goal with the expert guidance and extensive tile selection available at Design Depot. Visit our Englewood, New Jersey, showroom to explore our wide range of exterior tile options and consult with our team of experienced design professionals who are ready to assist you in your home remodeling. With a proper understanding of material options, trending styles, and practical considerations, you will be well-equipped to transform your outdoor living space into a stunning and inviting extension of your home.

Selecting the Perfect Flooring for Your Home Renovation

October 1, 2023

Flooring is an essential element of any home renovation, as it sets the stage for the overall aesthetics and functionality of your living space. With a multitude of flooring options available today, it can be overwhelming to determine which option will best fit your specific needs, style preferences, and budget. As a family-owned and operated business, Design Depot understands the importance of finding the perfect flooring to complement your home design and enhance your daily living experience. 

In this post, we will dive deep into the various factors you should consider when selecting the ideal flooring for your home, such as durability, maintenance, design, and pricing. Moreover, we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of some of the most popular flooring options available at Design Depot, including hardwood, laminate, vinyl, natural stone, and porcelain or ceramic tiles. Our aim is to provide you with the knowledge and insights necessary to make an informed decision that suits your lifestyle, design preferences, and budget constraints.

Embark on your home renovation journey with confidence, knowing that Design Depot’s comprehensive range of products and services are tailored to help you achieve your dream living space. With our commitment to exceptional quality, unmatched customer service, and innovative design solutions, you can trust that our team of experts will guide and support you every step of the way in finding the perfect flooring option for your home.

Evaluating Durability and Maintenance Needs for Your Flooring

One of the most critical factors in selecting the ideal flooring option for your home is evaluating the durability and maintenance requirements of each material. Here are some essential aspects to consider when assessing various flooring options:

  1. Foot Traffic: Consider the level of foot traffic in the area where you plan to install new flooring. High-traffic areas like entryways, hallways, and living rooms may require more durable materials like hardwood, porcelain, or ceramic tiles.
  2. Environmental Factors: Assess the environmental factors such as moisture, sunlight, and temperature fluctuations that can affect the longevity and performance of your flooring. Consider materials like natural stone or porcelain tiles for areas with a higher moisture level, such as bathrooms or kitchens.
  3. Maintenance Requirements: Each flooring material comes with its maintenance requirements, which can impact your overall satisfaction with your choice. Opt for low-maintenance materials like laminate or vinyl if you prefer a more hassle-free flooring solution.

Comparing Popular Flooring Options: Pros and Cons

Now that you have a better understanding of the factors to consider in your flooring search, let’s explore some popular flooring options available at Design Depot, along with their advantages and disadvantages.

Hardwood Flooring:


  • Timeless appeal and warmth
  • Enhances home value
  • Can be sanded and refinished multiple times
  • Available in various finishes and styles


  • Susceptible to water damage
  • Prone to scratches and dents
  • Higher price point

Laminate Flooring:


  • Affordable alternative to hardwood
  • Scratch and dent-resistant
  • Easy installation and low maintenance
  • Available in various designs and styles


  • Susceptible to water damage
  • Cannot be sanded or refinished
  • May not enhance home value as much as hardwood flooring

Vinyl Flooring:


  • Budget-friendly option
  • Water and moisture-resistant
  • Soft and comfortable underfoot
  • Easy installation and maintenance


  • Less eco-friendly compared to other options
  • May not contribute to home value as much as other materials
  • Susceptible to dents and scratches

Natural Stone Flooring:


  • Unique and elegant appearance
  • Highly durable and long-lasting
  • Ideal for high-moisture areas
  • Available in various colors, textures, and patterns


  • More expensive than other flooring options
  • Requires periodic sealing and maintenance
  • Cold and hard underfoot

Porcelain or Ceramic Tiles:


  • Durable and scratch-resistant
  • Resistant to water and stains
  • Low maintenance requirements
  • Available in various designs, colors, and finishes


  • Hard and cold underfoot
  • Can be challenging to install
  • Susceptible to chipping or cracking

Balancing Design, Style, and Budget

Finding the right balance between design, style, and budget is essential when choosing the perfect flooring option for your home. Here are a few practical tips to keep in mind:

  1. Coordinate with Existing Décor: Make sure your new flooring complements the overall style and color scheme of your home. Work with Design Depot’s team of experts to find a material and finish that best suits your existing décor.
  2. Consider Longevity: Account for the expected lifespan and replacement cost of your chosen flooring material when assessing the budget for your project. Investing in durable flooring options like hardwood or natural stone can save you money in the long run.
  3. Mix and Match Materials: If budget constraints are a concern, consider using a combination of flooring materials in your home. Select a high-quality material like hardwood for high-visibility areas, and opt for more budget-friendly options like laminate or vinyl in other spaces.


Choosing the best flooring option for your home renovation with Design Depot involves considering factors like durability, maintenance needs, design preferences, and budget constraints. With a wide range of premium flooring materials, expert guidance, and personalized solutions, our team is dedicated to helping you create a beautiful and functional living space. Visit our Englewood, New Jersey showroom to explore our stunning flooring options and start your journey towards finding the perfect flooring solution for your home renovation project today.

Located in Englewood, New Jersey, Design Depot offers an array of premium flooring materials, including wood flooring, marble, granite, and porcelain tiles, backed by expert guidance to help you make the most informed decision for your home renovation project. Our showroom offers a wide variety of products and services. Contact us today to get started on your home remodeling in Edgewater, NJ!

Statement Flooring for Your Home: Design Ideas, Trends, and Material Selections

September 24, 2023

One often-ignored aspect of home design that has tremendous power to transform your living space is the powerful statement that can be made with the right choice of flooring. Flooring is not just a functional necessity for every room, but it can also serve as an impactful design feature that brings character, color, and movement to your home. At Design Depot, we understand the vital role that flooring plays in achieving a comprehensive and harmonious interior design, and our team is eager to assist you in reviving your living space with the perfect statement flooring.

In this expert guide, we will showcase a wide array of flooring patterns, materials, colors, and styles to help you rediscover your home’s potential. By understanding current trends and exploring various flooring options, you will be better equipped to select the perfect statement floor that truly reflects your aesthetic preferences and revitalizes your home environment. Furthermore, we will be shedding light on essential factors to consider when selecting flooring materials and discussing creative ideas to incorporate these striking statement floors into any room of your home.

At Design Depot, our team of seasoned designers is committed to providing personalized guidance and flawless service to ensure that your home boasts an extraordinary and unique flooring experience. With our extensive know-how, dedication, and access to high-quality flooring materials, we are a one-stop-shop for all your statement flooring needs. Join us as we unveil the limitless possibilities that statement floors can offer, helping you to create a home that is a true reflection of your aspirations. Transform your living environment and make a lasting impression by embracing the power of statement flooring in your home design journey.

Exploring Eye-Catching Patterns for Statement Floors

Adding unique patterns and designs to your flooring creates visual interest and depth. Let’s dive into some popular flooring patterns that can make a striking statement in your home:

  1. Herringbone and Chevron: Both herringbone and chevron patterns use rectangular wood or tile pieces arranged in distinctive V-shaped or zigzag patterns. They exude an air of sophistication and work particularly well in entryways, living rooms, and dining areas.
  2. Hexagonal Tiles: A versatile and modern alternative to traditional square or rectangular tiles, hexagonal tiles offer endless design possibilities. Experiment with different colors, finishes, and sizes to craft a one-of-a-kind floor that will be the envy of your guests.
  3. Geometric Patterns: Incorporate geometrically-shaped tiles or intricately-printed patterns to create a focal point on the floor that adds an artistic dimension to your space.

Selecting the Perfect Material for Your Statement Floors

Consider the following flooring materials that not only stand the test of time but also enhance the visual appeal of any room:

  1. Hardwood: Timeless and elegant, hardwood flooring infuses your home with warmth and character. Available in various species, stains, and finishes, hardwood floors easily adapt to your aesthetic preferences and make a bold statement.
  2. Tile: Porcelain, ceramic, and natural stone tiles offer unlimited design options and are known for their durability and low maintenance requirements. These materials lend themselves to creative patterns, allowing you to craft a bespoke flooring statement.
  3. Laminate or Vinyl: For those who seek the appearance of hardwood or tile without the higher price tag, laminate and luxury vinyl plank flooring provide an attractive, budget-friendly alternative that mimics the desired look while offering excellent durability and easy maintenance.

Current Trends in Statement Floors: Colors and Styles

Stay updated on the latest flooring trends that enhance a room’s ambiance and make a lasting impression:

  1. Bold Monochromatic Floors: Create a sense of drama and cohesion in a room with a bold monochromatic floor. Dark, rich hues like deep navy, charcoal gray, and black exude sophistication, while lighter tones like white, beige, or soft gray provide a serene and calming atmosphere.
  2. High Variation: Embrace the natural beauty of materials that showcase variation in color, pattern, and texture. This adds depth and visual appeal while offering a distinctly organic look.
  3. Terrazzo Flooring: The resurgence of terrazzo flooring, a composite material made from chips of marble, quartz, glass, or granite, provides a retro yet modern vibe. Terrazzo’s customizable nature allows you to experiment with color schemes and patterns that are tailored to your specific design preferences.

Incorporating Statement Floors into Your Home Decor

Successfully blending your statement floor with your overall decor ensures a harmonious and well-balanced aesthetic. Here are some tips to achieve this:

  1. Balance Bold Floors with Minimalistic Decor: Allow your statement floors to shine by keeping the surrounding decor, walls, and furniture minimalistic and subdued. This creates a sense of balance and prevents your space from feeling overwhelming.
  2. Complement Your Floors with Area Rugs: Add texture and warmth to your statement floors by layering area rugs in coordinating or contrasting colors. Rugs can also act as visual anchors, defining specific areas within an open-concept layout.
  3. Draw Inspiration from Your Floor’s Undertones: Use the underlying hues of your flooring as a guide for selecting paint colors, fabrics, and accessories to create a cohesive and harmonious design.


Reviving your home with statement floors is an excellent way to express your personal style while adding visual intrigue and character to each room. Understanding patterns, materials, and current trends empowers you to make thoughtful decisions that will have a lasting impact on your living environment. Ultimately, the perfect statement floor should be a harmonious marriage between aesthetics, practicality, and durability.

At Design Depot, our team of passionate designers is here to guide you in your quest for exceptional flooring options. With our unmatched expertise and access to high-quality products, we make it easy for you to achieve your dream home with remarkable statement floors. Visit our showroom, and let us help you transform your home with home remodeling in Edgewater, NJ!

Enhance Your Home with a Stunning Outdoor Living Space by Design Depot

September 17, 2023

Outdoor living spaces are increasingly becoming an essential home extension, providing an inviting haven for relaxation, entertainment, and family gatherings. Creating an outdoor space that combines comfort, style, and functionality can elevate your home’s aesthetics, provide additional living areas, and even increase your property’s value. 

Design Depot, a family-owned and operated business located in Englewood, New Jersey, offers a wide range of products and design services to help you curate a stunning and functional outdoor living area that seamlessly blends with your home’s architectural style and surrounding landscape.

At Design Depot, we provide an array of top-grade products specifically designed to enhance your outdoor living space, such as exterior tiles, countertops, and other innovative materials. Our team of experienced design professionals is dedicated to guiding you in realizing your vision for an outdoor oasis that caters to both your practical needs and personal tastes.

This engaging blog post will delve into essential design tips and product recommendations for creating an ideal outdoor living space, including establishing the right layout, considering appropriate flooring and material options, and incorporating functional and visually appealing elements like an outdoor kitchen or a cozy fire pit. With our expert guidance and extensive selection of premium products and materials, you will be well-equipped to bring your dream outdoor living area to life.

Let Design Depot be your trusted partner in creating a captivating outdoor living space that effortlessly merges comfort, style, and practicality. Our commitment to exceptional quality, unmatched customer service, and innovative design solutions ensures that your outdoor living space will bring lasting enjoyment and enhance your overall living experience. 

Begin your journey to crafting an enchanting outdoor haven by visiting our Englewood, New Jersey showroom and consulting with our team of experts today.

Establishing the Right Layout for Your Outdoor Living Space

The first step in designing your ideal outdoor living area is establishing a functional and visually appealing layout that integrates well with your home’s architecture and landscape. Here are some crucial factors to consider when planning your space:

  1. Purpose & Activities: Determine the primary purposes and activities you envision for your outdoor living space, such as dining, socializing, or relaxation. Knowing your goals will help guide the layout and the essential elements you must incorporate.
  2. Existing Architectural Elements: Consider any existing architectural elements like patios, decks, or gazebos, and consider how to seamlessly integrate your new outdoor living space with these structures.
  3. Zoning & Traffic Flow: Design your outdoor space with designated zones for various activities, allowing for a comfortable flow between spaces and easy movement throughout the area.

Selecting Suitable Flooring and Material Options for Your Outdoor Space

The right flooring and material choices play a significant role in your outdoor living area’s overall aesthetics, durability, and functionality. Here are some popular options to consider:

  1. Porcelain Tiles: Porcelain tiles are an excellent choice for outdoor flooring due to their non-porous composition, resistance to moisture and stains, and availability in various colors, textures, and patterns.
  2. Natural Stone: Materials like marble, granite, or limestone can create a timeless and elegant appearance in your outdoor living space. However, they may require periodic sealing and maintenance to preserve their beauty.
  3. Wood Decking: A wooden deck adds warmth and natural appeal to an outdoor area, but it may require regular maintenance, like sealing or staining to keep it looking fresh and prevent damage from weather exposure.

Incorporating Functional and Visually Appealing Elements

When designing your outdoor living space, consider incorporating elements catering to practical needs and visual appeal. Here are some ideas to enhance your outdoor area:

  1. Outdoor Kitchen: Create an outdoor culinary experience with a functional and stylish kitchen. Include essential features like countertops, a built-in grill, storage cabinets, and a refrigerator to facilitate outdoor cooking and entertaining.
  2. Seating & Dining Areas: Plan for comfortable and versatile seating and dining areas to accommodate various activities and group sizes. Include a combination of dining tables, lounge chairs, and casual seating to create a welcoming and cozy setting.
  3. Fire Features: Add warmth and ambiance to your outdoor space with a fire pit or an outdoor fireplace. Fire features serve as natural gathering spots and provide an inviting atmosphere for socializing or enjoying peaceful evenings at home.
  4. Landscaping & Lighting: Enhance your outdoor space with strategically placed greenery and landscaping features, such as flower beds, potted plants, or privacy hedges. Incorporate outdoor lighting solutions like accent lighting or path lights to create a well-lit and inviting evening environment.

Styling Your Outdoor Living Space with Durable, Weather-Resistant Furnishings

To ensure your outdoor living space remains functional and visually appealing for years to come, invest in furnishings and accessories that are durable, weather-resistant, and low-maintenance. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Choose Water-Resistant Materials: Opt for outdoor furniture made from water-resistant materials like aluminum, wrought iron, or weather-resistant synthetic wickers to avoid moisture damage.
  2. Select Resilient Fabrics: Invest in UV-protected and moisture-resistant outdoor fabrics for cushions, throw pillows, and other soft furnishings to keep your outdoor living space looking fresh and vibrant.
  3. Proper Storage & Protection: Store cushions and other accessories in a weather-resistant storage container when not in use and use protective covers for your furniture to further extend their lifespan.


Creating an ideal outdoor living space requires careful planning, material selection, and incorporation of functional and aesthetically pleasing elements. With Design Depot’s wide array of premium products and expert guidance, you will be well-equipped to design a captivating outdoor sanctuary that seamlessly blends with your home’s style and caters to your specific needs. 

Visit our Englewood, New Jersey showroom and consult with our team of experts to begin envisioning and crafting your perfect outdoor living area today. We take pride in offering excellent home remodeling in Edgewater, NJ

Illuminate Your Kitchen Space: Expert Lighting Tips and Techniques

August 20, 2023

The significance of proper lighting in kitchen design is often underestimated, yet it plays a pivotal role in creating a welcoming, functional, and aesthetically pleasing space. The well-lit kitchen not only makes everyday tasks like cooking and cleaning more enjoyable but also enhances the room’s ambiance, highlighting key design features and opening up new possibilities for socializing and entertaining.

Design Depot is passionate about helping you master the art of kitchen lighting and transforming your space into a warm and inspiring haven where creativity and connection can flourish.

Understanding the essentials of kitchen lighting is crucial for drawing out the full potential of your space. By employing a strategic combination of various lighting types, fixtures, and techniques, you can manipulate the mood, enhance visual appeal, and improve the functionality of your kitchen. As your trusted partner in your home design journey, Design Depot will guide you through the process of optimizing your kitchen lighting, sharing valuable insights, tips, and examples.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the three fundamental types of kitchen lighting: ambient, task, and accent lighting, and how each one contributes to the overall atmosphere and utility of your space. We will also examine the latest trends and design ideas in kitchen lighting, as well as techniques to help you seamlessly integrate lighting fixtures into your kitchen’s aesthetic and make your space glow.

At Design Depot, our team of experienced designers is dedicated to helping you create a stunning and functional kitchen that showcases your unique tastes and preferences. With our extensive knowledge, personalized approach, and access to a wide range of high-quality lighting solutions, we are excited to illuminate your path toward an exceptional kitchen design. 

Join us as we delve into the world of kitchen lighting and reveal the secrets to crafting an inviting and inspiring kitchen space that you can be proud of.

The Three Pillars of Kitchen Lighting

A well-lit kitchen combines various lighting types to create a balanced atmosphere, ensuring that your space maintains both practicality and visual appeal. Let’s take a closer look at the three primary types of kitchen lighting:

  1. Ambient Lighting: This is the foundational layer of lighting in your kitchen, providing general illumination and creating a pleasant atmosphere. Ambient lighting sources include ceiling-mounted fixtures, chandeliers, and recessed lights, evenly distributing light across the space.
  2. Task Lighting: Task lighting focuses on specific work areas in your kitchen, such as countertops, sinks, and cooking surfaces, making it easier and safer to perform everyday tasks. Examples of task lighting include under-cabinet lights, strip lights, and pendant lights placed above work surfaces.
  3. Accent Lighting: Accent lighting adds drama and dimension to your kitchen, highlighting architectural features, artwork, or unique design elements. Fixtures such as track lighting, wall sconces, and LED strip lights emphasize these points of interest and create visual depth.

Current Trends and Design Ideas in Kitchen Lighting

Stay updated on the latest kitchen lighting trends to ensure that your space remains stylish and on-trend:

  1. Smart Lighting Systems: Embrace technology by incorporating smart lighting solutions into your kitchen design. Control your lighting with ease using voice commands or mobile apps, and even customize your lighting’s intensity and color to suit your mood or task at hand.
  2. Industrial Style Fixtures: Create an edgy and contemporary vibe in your kitchen with industrial-styled lighting fixtures. Choose from rugged materials like metal or exposed bulbs to add character and flair to your space.
  3. Layered Lighting: For a dynamic and versatile kitchen atmosphere, combine different layers of lighting, such as pendant lights with recessed and under-cabinet fixtures. Keep things visually interesting and ensure that every area of your kitchen is sufficiently illuminated.

Integrating Lighting Fixtures into Your Kitchen Aesthetic

To achieve a cohesive and harmonious kitchen design, it’s essential to seamlessly integrate your lighting fixtures into the overall aesthetic:

  1. Match Fixtures to Your Kitchen Style: Choose lighting fixtures that complement the theme of your kitchen. For example, sleek, modern fixtures work well in contemporary kitchens, while traditional chandeliers or lanterns suit classic designs.
  2. Consider Scale and Proportion: Be mindful of your kitchen size and layout when selecting lighting fixtures. Ensure that your chosen fixtures are not too large for your space, and position them strategically to provide adequate illumination without obstructing traffic flow.
  3. Coordinating Finishes: Unify your kitchen design by selecting lighting fixtures with finishes that match or complement your cabinetry and hardware. Mixing different metallic finishes can create a sophisticated and trendy look, but be cautious not to overdo it and maintain consistency throughout your space.

Practical and Energy-Efficient Kitchen Lighting Tips

To ensure that your kitchen lighting is both beautiful and practical, consider these essential tips:

  1. Proper Task Light Placement: Install task lighting above or beside your work surfaces to enhance visibility and prevent shadows. Consider using adjustable or swiveling fixtures to direct light precisely where it’s needed.
  2. Avoid Glare and Overlapping: Select lighting fixtures and placements that minimize glare and overlapping, providing a comfortable and visually soothing kitchen environment.
  3. Energy Efficiency: Implement energy-saving measures like using LED bulbs, choosing fixtures with dimming capabilities, or utilizing natural daylight with well-placed windows or skylights.

Final Thoughts

Mastering the art of kitchen lighting allows you to create a space that is both practical and visually captivating, illuminating your kitchen’s full potential. By understanding the fundamentals of lighting types, current trends, and design integration techniques, you can craft a kitchen that’s uniquely yours, one that is perfect for everyday tasks and social events alike.

At Design Depot, our team is passionate about guiding you through each step of your kitchen design journey, providing the expertise and high-quality products needed to achieve your vision. Visit our Englewood, New Jersey showroom, or schedule an Englewood kitchen remodeling consultation, and let us help you transform your kitchen into an inviting, functional, and radiant space that will be the envy of all who enter!

An Expert Guide to Selecting Hardwood Flooring for Your Home

August 6, 2023

Hardwood flooring remains an enduringly popular choice for homeowners looking to elevate their home design with an elegant, timeless, and high-quality solution. Known for its durability, versatility, and unique charm, hardwood flooring adds a sense of warmth, character, and value to your living space. Here at Design Depot, we understand the importance of selecting the perfect hardwood flooring solution that caters to your tastes, requirements, and lifestyle.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the variety of hardwood flooring options available, including different types of wood, finishes, and installation methods, along with essential maintenance and care recommendations to ensure your flooring performs optimally over time. Our aim is to provide homeowners with the knowledge and insights necessary to make an informed, educated decision when choosing hardwood flooring that suits their unique preferences and needs.

As a family-owned and operated business located in Englewood, New Jersey, Design Depot is dedicated to providing an exceptional level of service, expert guidance, and unparalleled access to a diverse range of hardwood flooring materials. Our showroom offers high-quality options for various tastes, budgets, and requirements, ensuring that you will find the perfect hardwood flooring solution for your home.

Embark on this journey to discovering your ideal hardwood flooring option with Design Depot at your side, and let us assist you in creating a visually stunning, durable, and inviting home environment that will stand the test of time. Through exceptional product offerings, personalized recommendations, and an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, this guide will serve as your roadmap to navigating the world of hardwood flooring with confidence and ease.

Achieving the Perfect Bathroom Makeover with Design Depot

Are you considering a bathroom makeover for your home? Whether you’re looking to create a calming oasis, a modern retreat, or a functional space for the entire family, Design Depot is here to help you fulfill your vision. Our Englewood, New Jersey showroom offers an extensive selection of high-quality bathroom fixtures, tiles, and accessories, ensuring you find the perfect products to bring your dream bathroom to life. In this in-depth guide, we’ll explore essential aspects of bathroom design, from choosing the right materials and fixtures to incorporating the latest trends and maximizing space.

Choosing the Right Bathroom Fixtures and Materials

Your bathroom’s fixtures and materials play a significant role in setting the tone and style of the space. From traditional to contemporary designs, Design Depot’s vast selection can cater to various tastes and preferences. Consider the following factors when selecting the right bathroom fixtures and materials:

  1. Functionality and Style: From bathtubs and showers to vanities and faucets, invest in high-quality fixtures that combine both functionality and style. Consider the distinct features of each product and how they contribute to the overall aesthetic and efficiency of your bathroom.
  2. Material Durability: With frequent exposure to moisture, bathroom materials must be robust and water-resistant. Porcelain, marble, granite, and ceramic are popular options for bathroom tiles and countertops due to their durability, beauty, and easy maintenance.

Incorporating the Latest Bathroom Design Trends

Stay updated on the latest bathroom design trends to create a contemporary and stylish space that suits your taste and enhances your home’s value. Some current and emerging trends to consider include:

  1. Freestanding Bathtubs: Freestanding bathtubs, such as clawfoot or pedestal tubs, make a luxurious statement in your bathroom and offer the ideal space for relaxation.
  2. Walk-in Showers: Walk-in showers with frameless glass enclosures are becoming increasingly popular for their modern, minimalist aesthetic and easy access.
  3. Floating Vanities: Suspended from the wall, floating vanities create an airy, contemporary look and offer additional floor space, which can create the illusion of a larger bathroom.

Maximizing Space in Your Bathroom Makeover

Regardless of the size of your bathroom, making the best use of available space is crucial for ensuring a functional and visually appealing design. Here are some creative ideas to maximize your bathroom space:

  1. Incorporate Storage Solutions: Utilize vertical and under-counter storage options, such as wall-mounted cabinets, built-in shelves, and recessed niches to minimize clutter and improve organization.
  2. Use Mirrors Strategically: Mirrors do more than help you get ready in the morning; they can create the illusion of a more spacious bathroom by reflecting light and expanding visual dimensions.
  3. Opt for Light, Neutral Colors: Painting your bathroom walls in lighter, neutral tones can visually expand the space and create a bright, inviting ambiance.

Choosing the Ideal Bathroom Lighting

Proper lighting is essential for your bathroom design, affecting function, safety, and aesthetics. Seek a balance between ambient, task, and accent lighting for a well-rounded and visually pleasing bathroom environment. Some considerations for choosing the perfect lighting include:

  1. Layer Your Lighting: Incorporate ambient lighting for overall brightness, task lighting near mirrors and vanities, and accent lighting to highlight specific features or create a calming atmosphere.
  2. Consider Energy Efficiency: Choose energy-efficient lighting options, such as LED or CFL bulbs, which offer better performance, a longer lifespan, and lower energy consumption compared to traditional incandescent bulbs.
  3. Select the Right Color Temperature: Finding the correct color temperature for your bathroom lighting is crucial for ensuring accurate color rendering and enhancing the overall ambiance. For a warm and cozy atmosphere, opt for bulbs with a color temperature around 2700K, while higher temperatures (around 4000K) produce a cooler, more invigorating environment.


Embarking on a bathroom renovation in Jersey City involves considering numerous factors, such as selecting the ideal fixtures, materials, lighting, and design trends. With a complete understanding of these essential aspects and Design Depot’s expert guidance, you can create a stunning, functional, and inviting bathroom that caters to your unique tastes and preferences.

At Design Depot, our commitment to customer satisfaction, exceptional service, and innovative design solutions ensures a seamless and enjoyable bathroom makeover journey for every homeowner. Visit our Englewood, New Jersey showroom today to experience our unparalleled product offerings and let our attentive, knowledgeable team guide you in the process of creating your dream bathroom space that combines beauty, comfort, and efficiency for years to come.

Patio Planning 101: Creating a Relaxing and Inviting Outdoor Space

July 10, 2023

The patio has the unique potential to breathe an air of relaxation into an outdoor space, providing a platform for family lunches, evening soirees, or leisurely Sunday brunches. Clever planning, the right materials, and inventive design are at the heart of a captivating patio. When you have these considerations in mind, you’ll be able to create your very own outdoor oasis! Let’s explore how you can turn your patio dreams into a reality by delving into this Patio Planning 101 Guide.

1. Function Dictates Form: Determining Patio Purposes

Before plunging into the aesthetics, it’s fundamental to clarify your patio’s main function. Will it serve as a dining area, a lounging and relaxation space, or a mix? Evaluating the purpose in the initial stages will aid in defining the size, layout, material selection, and furniture types down the line.

2. Location Matters: Selecting the Ideal Spot

Patio positioning can significantly influence your outdoor living experience. Analyze factors like sun and wind direction throughout the day, your home’s view, proximity to the main building, and existing landscape features. An ideally located patio can maximize natural asset advantages and minimize climatic drawbacks.

3. Choosing the Right Material: Concrete, Stone, or Wood?

When it comes to patio flooring, the options are almost endless. Depending on your budget, aesthetic preferences, and maintenance readiness, you can choose between concrete, natural stone, bricks, or wood. A harmonious blend of durability, budget-friendliness, and visual appeal is the sweet spot making in this decision.

4. Shape Up Your Space: Determining the Patio Layout

A thoughtful layout is key to a functional patio. You might opt for a geometric straight-lined design to mirror your home’s modern architecture or an organic, free-flowing layout to complement a rustic style home or lush landscaping. Whichever you choose, ensure the shape and layout provide ample space for movement and furniture, and cater to your desired purpose.

5. Creating an Ambience: Patio Lighting

Proper lighting can exponentially enhance your patio’s atmosphere after sunset. Consider a combination of task lighting for grilling or dining, ambient lighting options like string lights or lanterns, and path lights for safety and navigation. With smart choices, you can make your patio a magical space when twilight descends with smart choices.

6. Bringing Comfort Outdoors: Selecting Patio Furniture

Your patio’s main function should guide your furniture selection. Dining areas typically require a comfortable table and chair set, while relaxation zones might benefit from lounge chairs, daybeds, or even a hammock. Choose materials suited for outdoor settings, emphasizing durability, comfort, and ease of maintenance.

Plan Your Outdoor Haven with a Relaxing Patio from Design Depot

An impeccably planned patio can become an extension of your indoor living space, offering an outdoor haven for relaxation, entertainment, and invaluable family moments. This comprehensive patio planning guide serves as a roadmap to help you traverse the intricate journey of creating your dream patio. From clearly defining your patio’s purpose to selecting the right material, layout, lighting, and furniture, every step counts in sculpting an inviting outdoor oasis.

Remember, your outdoor space is a canvas upon which you can imprint your unique style and preferences. Don’t rush the process; instead, soak in the planning journey. And when in doubt, our expert team at Design Depot offers personalized and professional advice. Contact us to get started with your home remodeling in Edgewater, NJ! Take the first step towards creating an outdoor space that mirrors your aspirations. 

How to Choose the Best Wood Flooring for Your Dream Bedroom

June 5, 2023

A well-designed bedroom not only offers a peaceful haven to unwind and relax but also adds value to your property. When it comes to flooring, wood is an excellent choice due to its aesthetic appeal, durability, and low maintenance. 

With a wide range of wood species, styles, and finishes available, selecting the right hardwood flooring for your bedroom can be overwhelming. In this article, we will provide all the information you need to choose the perfect wood floor for your bedroom.

Consider the Wood Species

The type of wood species you choose plays a crucial role in determining the overall look and feel of your bedroom. There is a wide range of hardwood species available, each with its unique characteristics, colors, and grain patterns. Oak, maple, and cherry are some of the most popular options for bedroom floors. Oak is a durable and affordable option that offers a classic look, while maple is known for its light color and fine grain. Cherry is a more exotic and luxurious option that adds warmth and elegance to your bedroom.

Choose the Right Style

The style of hardwood flooring you choose will depend on your taste and the overall décor of your bedroom. There are three main styles of wood flooring: strip, plank, and parquet. Strip flooring is the most common and features narrow planks that create a sleek and modern look. Plank flooring, on the other hand, is wider and gives your bedroom a more rustic and traditional appearance. Parquet flooring is made up of small pieces of wood arranged in a geometric pattern and is perfect for adding a unique and artistic touch to your bedroom.

Decide on the Finish

The finish of your hardwood flooring can significantly impact the look and feel of your bedroom. Matte finishes offer a more natural and rustic appearance, while glossy finishes provide a sleek and modern look. Consider the amount of natural light in your bedroom when choosing a finish. Rooms with ample natural light can handle a glossy finish, while those with less natural light may benefit from a matte finish.

Choose the Right Color

The color of your hardwood flooring is another essential factor when choosing the perfect wood floor for your bedroom. The color of your flooring should complement the overall décor of your bedroom. Lighter colors, such as white oak or maple, make your bedroom appear more spacious and brighter. Darker colors, such as walnut or cherry add warmth and depth to your bedroom. If you are unsure which color to choose, consider getting a sample and testing it in your bedroom to see how it looks in natural light.

Consider Your Lifestyle

Your lifestyle should also play a role in selecting the right hardwood flooring for your bedroom. If you have pets or children, consider choosing a harder wood species, such as oak or hickory, that can withstand wear and tear. If you have allergies or sensitivities, consider selecting a wood species less likely to trigger symptoms, such as cherry or maple.

Decide on the Installation Method

There are two main methods for installing hardwood flooring: nail-down and floating. Nail-down installation involves nailing the planks to the subfloor while floating installation involves clicking the planks together and placing them over a foam underlayment. Nail-down installation is more durable and long-lasting, but floating installation is quicker and easier.


Choosing the perfect wood floor for your bedroom involves considering several factors, including the wood species, style, finish, color, lifestyle, installation method, and maintenance regimen. By taking the time to consider each of these factors, you can choose a hardwood flooring option that not only looks beautiful but also meets your needs and lifestyle. With the right wood flooring, your bedroom will become a peaceful and inviting retreat that you will enjoy for years.

Do you need help with home remodeling in Edgewater, NJ? Rely on Design Depot, a family-owned and operated business. Our showroom is located in Englewood, New Jersey and offers a wide variety of products and services. You can find everything you need for your home design or construction projects, such as kitchen cabinets, countertops, endless bathroom fixtures, wood flooring, marble, granite, and porcelain tiles, and so much more. Contact a designer today!

Quartz Countertops

November 23, 2020

Quartz CountertopsUsing natural-looking materials and organic patterns in your home is always the right choice, whether you like a country and casual or sleek and modern design. Materials that mimic natural stone are the perfect solution when you want to remodel and upgrade your space.

A new quartz countertop is a great way to give your kitchen and bathroom a stylish, yet practical makeover. While being aesthetically pleasing, it is also durable and easy to maintain. It has incredible flexibility to be personalized to your style and preference. It allows you to get the timeless or contemporary style and choose anything from subtle to bold.

Even though this type of countertop is relatively new, it became one of the most popular kitchen design solutions in the world, thanks to all its benefits. Keep on reading to find out why you should go for a quartz countertop and our top tips for choosing the right one for your kitchen remodeling NJ.

Benefits of quartz countertops

Easy to maintain

Low-maintenance is at the top of our list. These countertops don’t need to be resealed as stone or wood do. Whichever design you choose, you can take care of it pretty easily. All you have to do to keep your countertop clean is use water and soap.


Quartz is nonporous and antimicrobial, which means that you can forget about stains, scratches, and bacterial growth. Once you have your beautiful new countertop, you don’t want to worry whether something will spill and destroy that perfect look. With quartz countertops, you can rest assured that no such thing will happen. Furthermore, they are durable and will last for a long time, with a warranty anywhere from 10 years to a lifetime.

Extremely versatile

Another benefit of these countertops is their versatility. Because this stone is manufactured it offers endless variety. There are patterns that look like granite or marble, concrete, etc. You can choose between polished, matte, and rugged finishes. With so many different styles and designs, there is no doubt that you will easily find your favorite look.

Choosing the right quartz countertops

Take your time to decide what works for you the best before you purchase the first design that’s appealing to you. Beware of the difference in quality. You might feel the need to cut on some expenses when renovating, but remember that your quartz countertop will last through the decades. It certainly is an investment, but it doesn’t mean you should compromise on quality. You should choose the best quality you can afford. Making a final decision will take some time and a process of trial and fail because some samples will look different in different settings.

Stylish Kitchen Quartz Countertops

Carry on reading to find a few tips that might help you with your search.

Discover your favorite design

White Quartz Kitchen CountertopsQuartz countertops come in a wide variety of colors and patterns you can choose from. Lots of versatility means that you can find the best tone and undertone to perfectly match your color pallet.

Pay special attention to lightning. Showrooms usually have strong lightning which might not be the case with your kitchen. Keep in mind that some shades might appear darker or lighter when displayed in the store. Go ahead and ask for samples to best determine your favorite quartz design. Maybe that busy design and plenty of veining will fit just right with your contemporary and minimalistic kitchen. Perhaps your vintage-style bathroom will look better if you choose quartz with plain and minimal patterns. You might want to see how the concrete-looking quartz works for you.

Given so many different options, the only way to know what works is to see it in your home, with your lighting, and exactly in the space where you intend to install it.

Feel free to try several options before making a final decision and don’t be afraid to go back and get a completely different style. You might find out that your space actually looks better with another pattern, and you will only discover your favorite design if you try it together with your existing furniture.

Choose the right size

Finding the length and width of the surface is simple, but the thickness of the countertop is something to be considered. The standard thickness of the quartz countertop is 1 1/4 inches, but your dealer might recommend a different thickness depending on the purpose of the countertop.

Pick the edging style

Choose the Right Style for Your Kitchen Countertops

Final touches help to define a style you were aiming for and create a pleasing design. Edges are an important part of choosing the perfect quartz countertop. A standard edge is a waterfall edge or a straight edge. But you might want to go for another design to create a dramatic look. Some options are beveled, ogee, bullnose, and custom countertop edges. Besides defining the style, the custom edge might require a different thickness and affect the price, so make sure you pick the one that meets your expectations.

Settle on your appliances and fixtures

Measurements of the area where your countertop will be installed have to be taken before fabrication. You should know where the appliances and fixtures will be because your fabricator needs to know all the dimensions and the layout prior to fabrication. Go ahead and choose your sinks, faucets, and cooktops before you order a new quartz countertop.

Downsides of quartz countertops

Quartz CountertopsIf you are planning an outdoor installation, such as a backyard kitchen, you might want to choose another material. Even though quartz is durable in indoor settings, it is sensitive to extreme temperatures and constant exposure to the sun can lead to fading and eventual warping.

Now that you went through a quick guide, it’s time to find a new countertop that fits your home perfectly. Let’ connect! Design Depot Englewood NJ is the right place to contact a designer. Book an appointment today and we will take care of the rest.